الأربعاء، 21 سبتمبر 2011

How To Make REAL Beats That Sound Awesome

If you are interested in making real music and you want to get into the music scene quickly then you need to read this blog entry as today I am going to tell you about an awesome piece of software that will allow you to make beats like a pro.So first let us cover what makes DUBTurbo different?Well it is a fully functioning DAW (well almost), it...

DubTurbo V1.5 Is Here | More Kits, Sounds And Features!

I thought I would update my blog and let you know about DUBTurbo which no doubt you will have heard of if you are into your music.Well V1.5 has been released it features plenty of updates to this software package that is already taking the web and the music world by storm. It is now even easier to use and has had the display revamped.There are...

DubTurbo – More Than Just A Beat Maker!

In this post I wanted to let you know about DUBTurbo that has been getting a huge amount of attention over the last few months, more so now as they have just launched version 1.5 of the software.I get a lot of emails asking me what the best way to get started making rap beats and dance music online and my reply is always the same:“Invest the time...

DubTurbo V1.5 Is Available But What Makes It Better?

This blog post will tell you about the software DUBTurbo that has just launched another version – this one being v1.5.If you are not sure what DUBTurbo is basically it is a standalone beat maker but what makes it a little different is the fact that you do not need anything else to be able to make your music. It features over 40+ drum kits, sounds...

DUBTurbo The Ultimate Beat Maker | Find Out Why!

If you want to make music on your computer then the hardest thing is finding a good beat maker that will not just give you an 8 bit ringtone. You want something that will allow you to make beats just like the pros do it.The other way you can do this is of course the normal route that will involve you buying a lot of equipment for your recording...

How To Make Rap Beats

How To Make Rap Beats | If You Are Getting Frustrated There Is Another Way...A lot of people that enjoy listening to hip hop will get to the point where they think “I want a go at making my own beats!”, this is all good and well (and can be great fun too!). Although the problem comes in the fact that to do so you will need to get a lot of expensive...

DubTurbo v1.5 why is it better

Why Is DUBTurbo The Best Beat Maker? Read This And Find Out...If you want to make your own music online or on your computer then you may well have heard of DUBTurbo. If you haven’t it will not be long before you do! Especially if you are interested in making real rap, dance and pretty much any electronic music that you can think off.So why should...

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