الأحد، 1 مايو 2011

Magnetic Marketing System

 If you own a Small Business of any kind: How would you like to  stop being an "advertising victim"?.....Finally get accurately measurable, quick results from each and every dollar you put into ANY kind of advertising, marketing, or promotion? At will, attract  a flood of new customers? At will, spark a huge cash flow surge? Define and  DOMINATE any "target market" of your choosing…..for less than $2.00 per prospect? (It doesn't matter if you own a company selling sophisticated software only to the Fortune 1000 or a local flower shop, incredibly what I'm about to reveal to you can "re-invent" your entire marketing process for the better!)

If you are a Sales Professional: How would you like to end cold prospecting once and for all? Possess new, powerful ways to magnetically attract prospects who are pre-disposed to view you as an expert ally and advisor, pre-disposed to buy from you? Put an end to being "screened", to phone tag? Have qualified prospects eagerly asking you to make time to see them?

If you are a Sales Manager or Marketing Executive: How would you like to cut all the fat, waste, even the uncertainty out of your company's advertising…..AND…..make your salespeople immensely more productive?
All those benefits, and many more, are readily available -- with my marketing strategies, notably my "Magnetic Marketing Systems".

My name is Dan Kennedy. You've probably heard of me -- or heard me. I speak to over 200,000 people each year, appearing in big events with the likes of Zig Ziglar, Tom Hopkins, and Larry King, and Paul Harvey just to name a few. Private clients pay me $800.00 and hour for consultations; $7,500.00 to $15,000.00 plus royalties to develop marketing documents, tools, and campaigns.

One of my hottest, most in demand speech topics and consulting specialties is -- "Magnetic Marketing" -- and we get rave reviews from the people who acquire and use my Magnetic Marketing Systems and Strategies. (I've enclosed a few.)

I promise you that you, too, will be amazed at the power of my unusual yet proven methods to virtually transform businesses and sales careers from struggle or 'average' to meteoric growth and extraordinary success at blinding speed.

If you act quickly, you can put my "marketing wizardry" to work for YOU now, on a zero risk basis.

In this letter, I'm going to tell you exactly what my Systems can do for your business and career.

I Know You May Go To A Lot Of Seminars, Hear A Lot Of Speakers, And Own A Lot Of Books And Tapes. Still, I Outright Guarantee You've Never Gotten Your Hands On Anything Quite As Powerful And Practical As My Materials.

I have assembled a product like no other -- yes, it includes audio cassettes, but you MUST NOT prejudge it because of that. This is actually a complete "TOOL KIT".....real tools you take and use in your business. It's called THE MAGNETIC MARKETING SYSTEMS KIT and you might think of it as a complete, transformational marketing department in a box. Actually, this is such a unique product it is hard to describe, but I'm going to take my very best shot.

There are 6 main, moneymaking "components" in my MAGNETIC MARKETING SYSTEMS KIT -- let me walk you through each of them:

"No Brainer", Fast Implementation

First, in general, I've made implementation an 80% "no-brainer", because I have done 80% of the work for you. In addition to teaching on the 6 Cassettes in the Kit, I have taken 11 different businesses and 4 different sales careers, in 6 different business categories, and treated each one as a private, paying client, and created complete direct marketing/Magnetic Marketing Systems for each one, including all of the "power documents": prospecting and sales letters, ads, postcards, and so on. And these documents are all marked 'Copyright Free', which gives you permission to take them and use them, virtually as-is! (When I am paid to develop ONE collection of documents, for one client, I am typically paid $7,500.00 to as much as $15,000.00 plus royalties, so there is over $75,000.00 worth of copywriting services provided in this Kit!)

Now, here's the best part: Information and ideas are fine, but let's bridge the gap to implementation. It turns out that 90% of all businesses and sales careers fit one (or more) of these categories so perfectly…..YOUR business or sales career will match up with (at least) one of these categories so perfectly, you will be able to "steal" and use those "power documents" and strategies outright, just as if they were created for you…..only very minor adaptation necessary! Please pay attention to this point! At each seminar, after each speech, I am surrounded by people, each asking if the Kit applies to this business, that business, each believing theirs to be so 'different' it must not be included. So, to repeat: 90% of all businesses and sales careers are covered by this Kit! For most, at least one category is such a perfect match, there's instant application with little or no creative adaptation.

The Kit covers business-to-business selling situations, to-consumer situations, retail, restaurants, professional practices, real estate, automobile sales, even financial services sales (where there are compliance issues), direct sales and network marketing, industrial, big ticket items, and on and on. And just about everybody who gets this Kit finds one category to be a very close match…..they learn and 'borrow' from ALL the materials, AND they are able to instantly and easily apply the tools from the one category best matched to their business.

Included in these Copyright-Free Documents, in one of the business examples, are the now-famous "Giorgio, Romance Director" Letters that I show at most seminars, that every audience falls in love with! You've just got to see this "marketing masterpiece"!

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